In loving memory of
JT (Joshua) Theo McKean
“Stay Classy”
Joshua Theo McKean age 19 passed away November 24, 2014 in St. George, UT. He was born May 12, 1995, and raised in St. George, UT. His parents are Joseph and Angela McKean. He has 2 sisters: Jasmine McKean Neider (Husband Kelby Neider) and Jenna McKean Duplessy (Husband Nicolas Duplessy) He had many friends, who were like family. He was a student at Dixie State University. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He served an LDS mission in Uruguay. He enjoyed playing music, and taught himself to play drums, piano, guitar, ukulele, and various others. He enjoyed all things technical and electronic. He was an avid 4-wheeler, and enjoyed hauling his friends on a couch in the back of his truck. He enjoyed doing home improvement projects with his family. He loved playing tennis, cross-country, while wearing his Superman cape. During the state football playoffs, as a member of the band, he became known as the shirtless drummer in a frigid snowstorm. He earned the prestigious Diamond T Award at Desert Hill High School. He earned the Regence scholarship and was an Eagle Scout. He was very compassionate and loving towards everybody he met. He participated in many volunteer, church and civic activities. His infectious smile, laugh, love and warmth will be missed by everybody.
Cemetery information
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Cemetery information
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Tonaquint Cemetery
some of JT’s fav tunes <3
JT (Joshua) Theo McKean
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