In loving memory of
Kaleb Andrew Stockton
Always base a persons quality of life on the their love of Jesus and the love they give to others.
Kaleb was born on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1997. He was 3 weeks early and spent the first week of his life in the Todd Children’s hospital. The first night of his life truly was a representation of his entire life. He was a fighter! He was on life support and nearly died the first night of his life. He beat the odds and went home with his mom a week later.
After living your normal kid life for 8 years, Kaleb was involved in a Sunday school party where, tragically he fell off the wagon and the wheels ran his head over. Kaleb was life flughted from the property to St Elizabeth hospital in Youngstown where he beat the odds and survived. Though he was in a minimally conscious state for the next 18 years, Kaleb’s family, his mom, Amy, his father Matt, his little brother Blake, and little sister Gracey, included him in everything they did. From camping trips, to school activities, to cheer competitions, Kalebs life was full of colorful memories thanks to those who loved him.
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Kaleb Andrew Stockton
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