Jax Spencer Fielding
If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way- Jax Fielding
Jax was an amazing kid. He was funny and made everyone laugh with his comebacks. We had just got done with Freshman Orientation the week before he passed. He was looking forward to freshman year, driving and getting a job at FINNS. He got sick the Thursday before he died. Just a bug that’s been going around school. By Saturday it had got bad. So I took him in. Diagnosed with the flu he was sent home with medicine and told he could go back to school Monday. Thursday after at 1:45 he called and said he didn’t feel good. I told him I was on my way. I called his dad to let him know and he went to check on him. He was in the bathroom. Bobby said he was getting dressed and he’d take him to the doctors. Bobby heard a thump. Jax had tried to get back in bed and collapsed. His dad and his brother tried to pick him up. Started CPR and called the ambulance. By the time I got there I took over CPR but he was gone. He called me at 1:45 and by 2:10 Jax was gone! It’s unfair and I’m mad! He was my baby! My biggest helper! The one that would tell me good morning and be ready for school without asking. The one that would hold the door for me. He was my superhero along with my other children. We will all miss him! His did and mom, grandparents, siblings, friends and family. His dog pretzel and his chickens. Jax we love you!
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Jax Spencer Fielding
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